Decaps: On The Threshold To Eternity


DECAP CHRONICLES: circa 16 Million AD


Exploration of interplanetary consciousness hopping through consciousing into lattice structures of crystals and acousto-electromagnetic tapping into planetary ecosystem for transmutation of matter.
While consciousing into the mildly radioactive lattice structure of inter-planetary bound Zircon crystals, the Decaps Thought Manifestation Community explored the effect of such radiation to modulate the acousto-electromagnetic aura of planetary ecosystems. This was an indirect method for the realization of evolution and transmutation of consciousness. The excess 4.4 billion years lifespan of Zircon crystals permitted such consciousness transfer to effectively manifest the genesis of planetary life in the likeness of that consciousness which was initially transferred into the Zircon crystals.
It was not necessary to escalate to fast time simulation to 1 billion times earth time - although that was in the purvey of the community - but through mathematical transfroms, the community gained leverage from the experience of their 4.4 billion year-old Zircon subjects to fast simulate the 4.4 billion experiences of the crystal into 4.4 years of Decaps virtual simulation.

The essence of such simulation became the kernel for a recursive self-replicating primitive program ... a blueprint for thought seeding life.


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