Decaps: On The Threshold To Eternity


DECAP CHRONICLES: circa 8 Million AD


At the turn of the 30th century, medical implants permitted the consciousing of celluar commuications by direct transfreence of messages as human sensory stimuli. Decaps have always lived in such a world, remotely controlling their humanoid ultra-egos and experiencing all 5 senses. The Decaps CONSCIOUSNESS community was tasked with tapping peripheral sensory stimuli directly into inter-human consciousness, such that direct communications of thoughts and feelings of an indivual would be transferable to another. Within three years of experimentation in the fast-time VR domain, the technical hurdles of the project were completed. As the community returned to the 8 million AD planet earth, their three weeks absence in real time was scarcely noticed. However, the authorities considered the profound implications of their new technology, sufficient to warrant additional cautionary measures as havin ga limited controlled introduction and monitoring. A representative community of 600 individuals, scientists, families, theologians, and decaps were set in one of the continental shelf offshore underwter bioshere eco-habitats.Since the technology allowed its users to wirelessly tap into others consciousness, communications in and out out the habitat were restricted throgh a host gateway with controlled access to the rest of the world.


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