Decaps: On The Threshold To Eternity

Welcome to the world of Decaps, a world based on probable decisions made today, leading into the future. The site introduces conditional writing whereby content is based on external conditions such as seasons, weather and other factors that are updated after the content is written. As in stepping into the future, conditional writing considers many possible outcomes in moving forward in its story line. In attempting to achieve a probable future outcome, many contingencies must be considered in conditional writing. Such are the daily decisions needed to achieve a desired future. Decaps: On The Threshold To Eternity is a novel of a series of such a probable outcome where, through medical research, life spans iterate from one day to next, year by year, century by century, until death of sun and we exit this universe.

Such are the playlist of life that fan out into infinite sequences into a causal future retroactively finding their way back into our present, reversed evolutionized. These and other outcomes are explored herein.


INTRODUCTION to characters David Fortin who proposes development of Decap research facility and Gloria Stevenson who is being recruited as a medical research assistant at the research facility.

Cyber-DINNER at David and Julia Fortin in San Diego and Gloria Stevenson in Shaumburg. Discussion of Decaps premise and invitation to Gloria to join the medical research team.

DECAPS circa 2018 AD. A typical week in Dr. Jason's Rodman’s life, facing issues about his life support system, two years before the start of Decap conversion.

DECAPS circa 2040 AD. Twenty years after the Decap conversion of Clarence, the computer that interfaces his brain to the world has become a Thinking Machine with its own humanoid, Peggy. David, Clarence and Peggy discuss implication of decap life to life extension.

DECAPS circa 2060 AD. Introduction to simultaneous existence in three realms and conjure machines that translate thoughts into things in the virtual world.

DECAPS circa 2080 AD Sixty-years after Clarence’s Decap conversion, the world has changed. He lives and moves through dual virtual and real realms, by transference of his consciousness. Within this week’s insight, Clarence experiences his quest for ‘The Teacher’ and his journey to Denver.

DECAPS circa 2100 AD: “ETERNAL LIFE LOTTERY”. Eighty-years after first Decap, “Eternal Life” conversion is made accessible to everyone with Decap lottery.

DECAPS circa 3000 AD: PROJECT SOLAR COMMERCE. Almost a millennium since decaps conversion became widespread, Clarence is chief project manager for the LUNAR HABITAT, managing a predominant group of other decaps from their decap life support systems aboard the space station orbiting the earth’s moon.

DECAPS circa 3100 AD: PROJECT PERPETUITY LEGACY. Just over 100 years since decaps were space bound issues of earth's carrying capacity and the ability of science to delivery on dwindling resources became into the forefront. Jason Rodman earthbound at the Decaps Research Center (DRC) proposed the concept of Perpetuity Financial Instruments for preserving the persistence of humankind as a forever presence in the digital realm. The devil was in the Self Replicating Media Details of adopting global Resereve Banking to interface the Real Realm with the evolving Virtual.

DECAPS circa 10,000 AD In the year 5,000 AD, the world faces catastrophic irreversible choices and a decision into the future requires choosing from 12 most likely outcomes. Using reverse evolution theory, twelve most likely 10,000 AD realms are conjured and a community of decaps are chosen to live in these realms to decide the fate of the earth. “Blackbirds in the air,” was the codename of the third 10,000 AD project of futuristic reconnaissance. Clarence was the lead traveler into the third realization of the reverse evolution realm.

DECAPS circa 100,000 AD The 10,000 AD reconnaissance community “Ark Royal” is at the verge of extinction in 100,000 AD. Daily decisions are reduced to one of survival. Intelligent design takes a backseat to survival.

DECAPS circa 198,900 AD The 10,000 AD reconnaissance community “SOCIOCRACY” is at the verge of extinction in 198,900 AD. The amassing of Sociological design has left its members devoid of creativity beyond self inflicted norms. An extinction event is averted through the dismantling of controls to unleash creative powers.

DECAPS circa 400,000 AD The 10,000 AD reconnaissance community “Monroe” is at the verge of extinction in 400,000 AD. Male female relationships and its many permutations and mores are the fault lines. In an effort to escape the inevitable, an amogonous cyber lifestyle is forced on reality.

DECAPS circa 2 Million AD The 10,000 AD reconnaissance community “NEW WORLDS” was tasked with the expansion of earth's resources. Facing the diminishing returns on the prospect of space exploration scalable for the entire planet, the community developed entire new ecosystem conjure communities. These commuities incleded earth bound and virtual reality real estate from homes to planetary systems. The enormous computational and electric power associated with the VR realms became the form of international monetary exchange in these future worlds. Fundamental to the new world order was the sustainable development of energy resources and optimization of computer power consumption.

DECAPS circa 4 Million AD The Decap FUTURE WAR community mission was to create a world where there will be no wars. Rather than follow the classic example of world “peacekeepers”, the community explored a world devoid of war and hence, with no need for peacekeeping. By 4 Million AD, war was on the verge of becoming extinct, along with its ubiquitous peacekeeping.

DECAPS circa 8 Million AD The Decap CONSCIOUSNESS community was tasked with the development of consciousness transference between indivuals without the need for physical interactions. Technological exploitation of advances in cellphone technology permitted all decaps to remotely control their humanoid ultra egos throughout the world. By the turn of the 30th century, medical implants permitted the translation of cellular communications directly as human sensory stimuli and the need for physical phones became obsolete. It was not a leap of faith to transgress the domain of decap consciousness into the transference of inter-human consciousness through the decap communications system.The community soon found the purvuy of privacy, personal boundaries, social networks, family interactions and definitions of what constitued communites were all in flux. Solving the impact in consciousness transference on these issues was far more a vexing task than the three-year fast time technology development by the decaps community.

DECAPS circa 16 Million AD 
Decaps Thought Manifestation Community circa 16 million AD
The experience of the 21st century had shown that matter composed of atoms has a lattice structure of regularity. Experiments demonstrated an ability of thought manipulation of the lattice structure of ice water crystals. The 10,000 AD Decaps Thoughts Manifestation Community experimented with the ability of thought transfer into reorganizing the lattice structure of certain crystals into consciousness storage and vice versa. Community members in this manner gained ability to “relive” and “experience” Zircon; the oldest known crystalline structures on earth/planets.

The community proposed that experiencing the eons of time existence of earliest matter and consciousness transference were closely connected into tapping of the life forces of the earth’s ecosystem. This implied that thought transfer had as its side-effects an ability to sense acousto-electromagnetic spectrum permitting members to individually forecast weather months in advance, translate human radio frequency broadcasts into text, sounds, images and videos in latent formats, and formulate background radiation of universe into taxonomy of knowledge and experiences.

As the flapping of butterfly wings off Africa can be the genesis of a hurricane in Florida, the Decaps Thought Manifestation community proposed that through conscious tapping into planet’s acousto-electromagnetic spectrum leverages an ability to manipulate major earth conditions from climatic changes to earthquakes, hurricanes, global warming and ice ages in the ultimate expression of consciousness through thought transmutation.

Community members learnt taxonomy of background radiation which permitted intergalactic consciousness transfer through consciousing into the lattice structure of planetary matter.

The evolution of research progressed to an early intent manifestation, first in relation with the proximity of consciousness then asymptotically converging through remote acousto-electromagntic spectrum to distances of infinity.

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